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Forum » Swift » Enabling assortments changes MegaMenu behaviour

Enabling assortments changes MegaMenu behaviour

Justin Sjouw Dynamicweb Employee
Justin Sjouw


A customer is planning to activate Assortments for some customers. To prepare I have set the "Enable Assortments" setting:

The navigation settings of the page containing the product catalog app and grid view, also reflect this:

However. Whit assortments enabled the Menu for Products does not expand anymore to show the underlying groups. If I disable assortments, the subgroups show again.

How do I enable assortments while keep showing subgroups in the menu?

Menu expands when assortments are disabled:

Menu does not expand when assortments are enabled, and the underline for the hover seems to appear behind text in both cases:


Nicolai Pedersen Dynamicweb Employee
Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

The point is that groups with no products are not shown in navigation when using assortments. So if you are not logged in or do not have an assortment, you have no products and can see not categories.

If you are not logged in, and want to see all products, you can create an anonymous assortment.

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