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Impersonate keeps previous logedin user when login with new one

Cátia Torego

I'm having an issue with impersonate. If i'm logedin with an user, and impersonating, if i logout and then login a diferent user the new user is impersonated by the previous logedin one.

For instance:

  • I am logedin with UserA impersonating UserB
  • I logout
  • Then i login with UserC
  • I get the UserA impersonating the UserC

Is this a bug or is there something that needs to be done to make sure the previous user is actually logedout? 

DW version  9.8.4



Nicolai Pedersen

When you are impersonating, you can log out the impersonated user or the impersonating user. If you only logout the impersonated user, then the impersonater is still logged in and also need to be logged out.

We have no known bug on this.

Cátia Torego

Thanks for the clarification Nicolai. 

But can you help me with how to make sure i logout from both? 

This is how i'm login out now /Admin/Public/ExtranetLogoff.aspx

Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar
This post has been marked as an answer

Hi Catia,


You may need to add a NotificationSubscriber. We did this for another project and worked well


using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Notifications;
using Dynamicweb.Notifications;
using System.Web;
using Dynamicweb.Environment;

namespace Dna.AutoImpersonate.NotificationSubscribers
    public class OnBeforeExtranetLogOff : NotificationSubscriber
        public override void OnNotify(string notification, NotificationArgs args)
            if (!(args is Standard.User.OnBeforeExtranetLogOffArgs userArgs))

            if (userArgs.User == null)
            var currentUser = userArgs.User;
            if (currentUser.CurrentSecondaryUser != null)
                currentUser.CurrentSecondaryUser = null;

        private static void RemoveImpersonateUserCookies()

        private static void RemoveCookie(string cookieId)
            var cookie = new Cookie(cookieId)
                Value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookieId]?.ToString()
            var extranetImpersonatedUserId = "DWExtranetImpersonateUserID";

            cookie[extranetImpersonatedUserId] = null;


Best Regards,

Nuno Aguiar

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