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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Overriding templates for new user notification. Dw 9.7.4, no Rapido

Overriding templates for new user notification. Dw 9.7.4, no Rapido

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

In the integration module, there is an option of sending a notification to a newly registered user. In a dropdown list I can choose which template I want to use. However, the files I can choose from is located under Templates/user management/user provider even if I've made custom templates under Designs/designname/user management/user provider

Am i missing something here or is this how it is supposed to be? What will happen with my custom made templates in the Templates folder upon update?


Nuno Aguiar Dynamicweb Employee
Nuno Aguiar

Hi Siv,


I believe this is by design because Data Integration does not run in the context of a website.


When things DO run in the context of a website:

  • DW checks the Design
  • A Design is tied to a /Templates/Design/My_Design_Folder
  • That allows DW to be able to go through */UserManagement/*


In the case of DataIntegration, it does not run in the context of a website, so Dynamicweb does not have a Design folder to reference. That's why it goes to Templates/UserManagement.


What you can do is to create a custom field in that folder too, with just @Include('/Files/Templates/Designs/My-Design-Folder/UserManagement/My-Custom-Template.cshtml)


Hope that helps you,

Nuno Aguiar

Siv Hansen
Siv Hansen

Thanks, that was helpful and quite understandable.

My next question is then; will the changes I've made in this usermanagement-file be overwritten when we upgrade the solution?


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