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Forum » CMS - Standard features » Item field of type dropdown list to select item type form entire solution

Item field of type dropdown list to select item type form entire solution

Hans Ravnsfjall
Hans Ravnsfjall

When creating a item field of type of eg dropdown, and wanting to use itemtype to populate the options for the dropdown field,it is - as far as I can see - only possible to select items from one wesite. In my case, i want to be able to select an itemtype that is used across multiple websites. Why is this not possible? Could you please make this possible?


Is there another way of doing this?







Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

Hi Hans,

May be a SQL source will suitable for you, e.g.:

Select all items:

SELECT [Id],[Font] FROM [ItemType_Font]

Get only page items:

SELECT [Id],[Font] FROM [ItemType_Font]
WHERE ID IN (SELECT [PageItemId] FROM [Page] WHERE [PageItemType]='Font')

Get only paragraph items:

SELECT [Id],[Font] FROM [ItemType_Font]
WHERE ID IN (SELECT [ParagraphItemId] FROM [Paragraph] WHERE [ParagraphItemType]='Font')

Note: this way doesn't take page permissions into account


Best regards,



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